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This is a tale as old as time... Every 100 years there is a peace conference between the three great nations: the fire trolls of Itsa Hawt, the mini frost giants of Chilli Nyps, and the dirty little forest goblins of Barkee Woods. These three nations work together to protect the ritual site which is rumoured to house a great and terrible power.

During the last meeting, a pregnant human woman stumbled upon this magical meeting. The kings of the great nations were outraged and demanded a sacrifice be made. They used their creepy spells to steal her baby but they also accidentally gave this newborn child powers from each of their nations. The woman was never seen again. 

The kings became bored with the baby shortly after its first poop and left it on the edge of the woods. The baby was found by a real evil warlock, named Imma Badgui. Imma raised the child and nourished its magical abilities, with the ultimate goal to steal the power the three nations protected. The warlock and the child always wore purple cloaks and the town’s people referred to the child as Purps.

 Now Purps has been tricked to attack the ritual site and release the power. Although Purps has honed his skills he is still unable to control his abilities completely. He cycles through the three types of magic he was given by the kings and often erupts with surges of magic for unknown reasons. So yes, a classic story of an orphan boy with magic powers who is off to kill a bunch of mystical creatures to unleash a bad power for an even badder warlock.

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